"You are so young; you stand before beginnings. I would like to beg of you, dear friend, as well as I can, to have patience with everything that remains unsolved in your heart. Try to love the questions themselves, like locked rooms and like books written in a foreign language. Do not now look for the answers. They cannot now be given to you because you could not live them. It is a question of experiencing everything. At present you need to live the question. Perhaps you will gradually, without even noticing it, find yourself experiencing the answer, some distant day." -Rainer Maria Rilke
My good friend Julie sent me this quote and it has been echoing in my heart ever since I read it. What an angel that girl is; she always knows exactly what to say and knows exactly what I need to hear.
The past few years have been such a journey for me. I came to Spain with a very unsettled heart. I'm not saying that 7 months of being here has settled it, but it has definitely made me aware of many things. Life is full of questions; why did this happen? what could I have done differently? why am I here? what do I need to do now? how do I fix this? WHY ME? Perhaps maybe the most unsettling thing is when we hoard those "questions" and allow them to build a wall. Having questions is inevitable, it's something that we cannot avoid... but maybe we should spend less time focusing on those unanswered questions and more time on LIVING them out. What does that mean? That means not letting unanswered questions control you life. It means choosing to continue forward and choosing to focus on the things in your life that you KNOW to be true and real and beautiful.
Maybe we do not know at this exact moment the answer, maybe we never will, or maybe we will learn it some day down the road. For now, lets just choose to live the question.
This post is short, I know, and kind of random (welcome to my brain). My purpose for blogging is three fold: sharing my traveling stories, processing what's on my mind through written (or typed) words, and hoping to inspire. I think I wrote this blog for the last one. Hope it inspires someone today.
All my love, KA.
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