“I see my path, but I don't know where it leads. Not knowing where I'm going is what inspires me to travel it.”
- Rosalia de Castro

Sunday, November 14, 2010

La alabanza te daré!

What an amazing morning it was! Before coming to Spain, I researched protestant churches in the Málaga area. A friend of mine attends a really great church in Torremolinos, but that's too far for us to commute to church every morning. So I researched and researched and found a church that I knew I would love. It's called Centro de la Vida Cristiana. The church was founded in Mexico and grew to many people. Now they have plants in Mexico, Chile, and Spain (Alicante, Granada, Málaga).

The adventure getting to church was a little interesting. I had been in contact with the pastor to find out which bus we needed to take\how to get there after we get off the bus, etc. He very sweetly explained directions to us and attached a map. It looked simple enough. We walked down to the Alemeda (main road down by the beach) and hopped on bus number 6. When I saw the bus stop we needed flash up on the screen, I pressed the "off" button to get off at the next stop. Well. He dropped us off on the side of the street, with no signs and no people walking about. It looked a bit deserted. We walked uphill from there and searched on just about every street looking for this church. Feeling defeated, we walked back down to the "bus stop" and sat down. After a few minutes of sulking, Jessica points out the many people that are outside of this building across the street. We eagerly walk over and sure enough, there it was. We had gone the wrong direction from the bus stop. Figures.

We approached the church and many people were standing outside talking and greeting one another. We walked in and almost instantly were surrounded by people introducing themselves and asking about us. Either we stuck out very badly or they were expecting our visit (maybe a little of both). We met many people around our age, the associate pastor, a woman who coinsidently lives in Alhaurin (the town where we teach), and many other people from the church. It was nice to feel so welcomed! We sat with a girl named Maria who translated things for us if we looked confused during the sermon. The praise and worship was wonderful, the sermon was wonderful, and the people were wonderful. You can see their passion for God all over their faces. It's so nice to have found a church family here because I have been missing it so much! Some of the girls got our contact information and I know we will be hearing from them soon.

I am so grateful that God provided Jessica and I with a church. I know that this year is going to be a big learning year for me. I'm unbelievably thankful and excited to see what else God has in store. Like the pastor said today, "we need to jump off the boat, take Jesus' hand, and know that He's guiding us in the right direction." All we need is faith.

Until next time. Bendiciones!

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